Workshops will be held in the rooms TD 8 to 13 at level 1 and in Amphi F to H at level -1. The registration desk is located in front of the main conference room, level 0. Lunches and breaks will be held in “Espace Ingénieur” at level -1, closed to the main entrance. Because of Vigipirate, the anti-terrorist security plan, outside doors may be kept closed, please keep your badge with you at all times.
Internet access is provided to attendees inside the conference building. Connect to the wireless network with SSID Eurosys
using the credentials inside your badge. You might get a security warning upon the first connection as the authentication server uses self-signed credentials. You can safely ignore the warning. You can also use the IPBNEW
network with the same credentials or the eduroam
A working area for EuroSys attendees is located in the common room close to the registration desk (Foyer).
All coffee breaks and lunches will be held at “Espace Ingénieur”, closed to the main entrance (level -1). Additionally, we provide “Coffee / Tea” tickets, at a rate of one ticket per registered day, to be used at any time at the student bar closed to the registration desk.
A 4-day free transport pass is included in the registration bag (bus, tram, boat). Additional tickets are available for accompanying persons; please ask at the registration desk. Tickets must be validated each time you board a bus, tram or boat.
If you are interested in visiting the UNESCO cultural heritage city of Bordeaux, please consult the tourist information provided with the registration package.